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If you are here is because you want to know who is behind Amsterdam Guides and Tours

“We start the tours with strangers, but we finish them with friends”.

David M. CEO Guías & Tours
Nosotros, nuestra historia Amsterdam Guías y Tours 3

The Story

How do a history professor from Zaragoza, a graduated in Tourism Information and Marketing from Vigo, and a Chemical Engineer from Barcelona end up creating a tour company in the Netherlands?

Our families told us: “study and you will make it far”. And here we are, 1500 Km away from home.

We are part of the “red tide” (because of our red passport). Young graduates who left Spain seeking opportunities out of our country due to the economic crisis on 2008 – 2014.

Different reasons made us choose Amsterdam as our new place. Here is where we met and started AGT.

Nosotros, nuestra historia Amsterdam Guías y Tours, Xavier


“I love my job, having the chance of showing my favorite places in Amsterdam and sharing the history from my point of view”.

Nosotros, nuestra historia Amsterdam Guías y Tours, David


“I love to walk around the city with strangers. I start the tours with people I do not know and by the end of the tour, we are friends”.

Nosotros, nuestra historia Amsterdam Guías y Tours, Juan


“The best reward is to see how people enjoy your work: learning, discovering and laughing while walking through centuries of history”.

The Project

Each of us arrived to the Netherlands with our suitcases full of dreams, under different circumstances, and with different motivations.

After some years working in the Tourism Industry, we decided to use that knowledge to start our own company. Our goal is take advantage of our experience, and improve the weakness of the “traditional” Tour Operators.

In 2017 Amsterdam Guides and Tours was born willing to provide visitors a unique experience.

The Promise

We believe that tours created in an office should not exist. There is not a better planner than a guide who knows the city and can make the best out of your time in the city.

In AGT we believe that your memories are the most important part of the trip. We like to have a direct contact with our customers from the start, and tailor making your experience with the highest quality standards.

Our team has been showing the best of the country over 10 years.

Our goal is to show you the heart and soul of the Netherlands. We love to see you smiling and enjoying each part of your trip with us.

Always in a friendly and responsible environment, showing you the traditions and the Dutch way of living.

bañarse en amsterdam

We want you to feel as a local during your visit to Amsterdam.

These testimonials are from some friends we’ve made during their visits

¡Xavi, Xavi, Xavi! Fue un tour divertido. Gracias a él nuestro viaje fue ameno e informativo al mismo tiempo. Me abriste los ojos, nuestros ojos a la historia y todas las cosas que necesito saber sobre este país. De norte a sur  y de este a oeste, todo vale la pena. Recomiendo encarecidamente Guias & Tours, fue una gran inversión. Recomendaré el tour y a Xavi a todos mis amigos que tienen pensado visitar Ámsterdam. “

Usuario de TripAdvisor Harkinish

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“Fuimos a la Campiña Holandesa con David, un viaje bellísimo, cultural y muy divertido.

Recorrimos unos pueblos increíbles, en los que David nos dio muchísimos datos interesantes de los lugares a visitar, la comida… Visitamos una fábrica tradicional de zuecos y quesos. Y nos dio muchas recomendaciones para hacer en Ámsterdam, e incluso para ahorrar… ¡¡¡lo recomiendo a ojos cerrados!!!!

Usuario de TripAdvisor Cariototi

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“No hay mejor forma de visitar Holanda, que contando con el experto servicio, personal y entusiasta, de los guías de Ámsterdam Guías & Tours!!!!

Altamente recomendable. Volveremos a contar con ellos en próximas visitas y ya lo estamos recomendando a familiares y amigos.

Gracias especialmente a Juan por su amabilidad, dedicación y entusiasmo!”

Usuario de TripAdvisor SevillaC

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